Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Carter has been playing a lot with his Doodle pad lately and his new drawing obsession is letters. The other day he wrote his name for the very first time on his doodle pad so I had him do it again so I could share it with everyone. My writing is at the top (and in a straight line), Carter's is below.....that should be obvious.

As most of you know, Carter is obsessed about drawing and often carries around a piece of paper or his doodle pad so that he can create beautiful works of art (or stick figures without neck or bodies) and so naturally now Deacon is obsessed with drawing. They both have had doodle pads attached to their hips for the last few weeks and it is so funny, because if Carter draws something and wants me to look at it, then Deacon has to scribble on his pad and makes me look. I am worried that I might get a serious case of whiplash. It is very cute....


Janice said...

He does a great job with his letters. Yes equal time between the 2 boys is important......

Nicole said...

Very neat handwriting! I'm impressed!