Super pleased with himself after scoring a goal.

He is taunting the other team....honestly.

Soccer...where do I begin? Most of you know how the soccer season is going so far, but for those of you that don't I will give you a quick run-down. I hate the organization (terribly disorganized), our coach knows nothing about soccer, and we have 5 people on our roster (it is a 6v6 league). We have had three games so far and at every one of them Carter has had some sort of dramatic crying session, but once he gets over it he has a great time and always leaves very pleased with himself. The crazy thing is that he actually seems to have a lot of natural ability, so hopefully he can find some inner strength and we can find a good organization for him to continue on with.
Soccer Star....Watch our Beckham!
Thats so awesome way to go Carter. Next reunion we can have a soccer game going with all the kids..
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