Monday, April 27, 2009

Cherry Creek Sneak

After many years of nagging, our friend Carl finally convinced Brent to run in his first marathon. Last Friday, Brent agreed to run with Carl in the Cherry Creek Sneak (This is a very popular 5K Marathon that is done downtown with approx. 2500 participants). So with a day and a half's notice and zero training Brent was registered and regretting his decision.
It was supposed to rain on Sunday, but we all woke up very early (6:00am to be exact) to beautiful sunshine and the day only got better from there. Brent not only beat Carl by 50 seconds, but finished 19th out of 154 in his age group and 159th out of 1200 men. Carter and I were very proud of him, we only wished we would've seen him cross the finish line. We were not expecting him to finish before Carl, so we didn't start looking for him until after Carl crossed the finish line.
As you can imagine, I think that Carl has created a monster and Brent is already talking about his next marathon!


Janice said...

Brent.....what a great finish!!!

Justin Christensen and Leka Taukivuea-Christensen said...

wow that is so great Brent.... that's awesome.