The pancake batter was extra thick last night, which made for very thick pancakes. After I flipped the pancakes I started to press down on them with the spatula to make sure that they were cooked thoroughly, etc. Carter really wanted to join in at this point and so I let him. We were both holding on to the the spatula and pressing down on the pancakes when all of a sudden he started screaming. Immediately I knew what had happened! While his left had was busy working on the pancakes with me, his right hand wondered right into the side of the griddle...ouch!
We immediatley put medicine on it and he calmed down after just a few minutes, but the real relief came about an hour later when dad finally got home. Brent wanted to put some band aids on the burn so I told him about some Spongebob Squarepants band aids that I had bought just a few weeks ago. I have never seen someone so excited about a burn! He hasn't stopped talking about his boo-boo and gets very concerned everytime his band aids happen to come off or loosen up a bit. As a result of his love for these band aids we have already gone to the store and bought more, just in case!
Moral of the story: Never underestimate the power of a Spongebob Squarepants band aid!
Bandaids are the miracle cure. Don't you remember? Of course Sponge Bob wasn't around then.....
So sad!! Thank goodness for Sponge Bob band-aids!!
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